Preparation and What to Expect


Currently I conduct all of my readings via Zoom*. It’s like being in person, but no one has to worry about traffic, and we are in the comfort of our own space. Zoom has also given me the opportunity to connect with clients all over the world.

The first thing I ask you to do to prepare is sit down prior to the reading for a few minutes and write down any questions you want answered during your reading. This serves two purposes. First, it sets the energy and guides the reading in the direction you want it to go. Second, it will be a reference tool for you. Towards the end of the reading I will ask you if I have answered all of your questions. You will be able to look at your list of questions. I have walked away from readings I have received and thought, “oh I meant to ask….” Please remember, this list is not for me. In fact I don’t want to know any of your questions, the list is for you. During the reading it is best that you are in a comfortable space, free of distractions. Please turn your phone to silent and IGNORE phone calls and texts. This should be a sacred space and I want you to get the most out of our time together.

I begin every reading with a prayer of protection, followed by a brief meditation. This meditation helps calm the energy and facilitate a better connection with spirit. Then the magic happens. I will start by sharing with you any and all information that comes through. I do not give messages of doom and gloom, I work solely in the light. There is nothing to be scared or nervous about, just think of it as having a conversation with friends and loved ones.

*At my discretion exceptions are made and some in-person readings are available.

cropped-shutterstock_139374812.jpgPlease remember that I do my best to cover all topics you want, however Spirit has a mind of its own and you will always get the information Spirit believes you need, not necessarily the messages you want to hear.cropped-shutterstock_139374812.jpg


Empowering Your Journey™